展会介绍 在线答疑


公司规模:100 - 499人

广州法雷奥发动机冷却有限公司正式成立于2007年12月,是法国著名的汽车零部件制造商法雷奥集团在广州独资投建的公司,专业公司总部λ于法国拉维里埃尔市(Laverriere)。公司座落于美丽的广州市花都新华开发区美国工业村,毗邻著名的花都汽车城,主要研发、生产并销售各类汽车发动机冷却系统及零部件,并专注于以模块化同步供货的方式向客户提供汽车发动机机舱前端模块产品。这种在欧美已经十分流行的同步供应模块化产品的生产模式在中国汽车业的应用才刚刚开始,作为国内少数具备同步供应发动机前端模块能力的公司之一,广州法雷奥在中国的发展潜力巨大。 公司已于2009年5月通过了TS16949质量体系认证,并被国内多家主要的汽车制造厂商指定为原厂配套,如东风日产,南京长安福特马自达,日产中国投资有限公司等。我们的产品远销日本、澳大利亚等多个国家和地区。


Project Buyer / 项目采购工程师

1.Support project award during CAA with competitive costs and savings plan to finance project acquisition, seeks and obtain purchasing CAA validation.
2.Build up project supplier target panel from pre-SOCO with commodity organisation (RSL/BGSL) to bundle awards.
3.Voice of segment strategy in the project, and voice of the project to the segments.
4.Install competition between suppliers after pre-SOCO, bringing at least two suppliers at the same technical level before the SOCO for all components, proceeds with all negotiations before sourcing to push the cost down.
5.Leverage commodity organisation to reach pre-sourcing, sourcing decisions and meet project targets and offset with supply base quick savings imposed by customers.
6.Ensures timely sign off with the segments of all supplier contracts related the project (from development contracts to mass production).
7.Achieves project purchasing index.
8.For global platforms assembled in multiple plants of Valeo, coordinates with PG/PLPPD and other project buyers to ensure project will meet from SOP with (i) commodity strategy requirement in every region, (ii) localisation in line with needs of receiving plant, (iii) global leverage and securisation of the supply base for the platfor.

1.Bachelor degree or above.
2.More than 3 years experience in purchasing.
3.Good at English speaking , reading and writing .
4.Be able to work under pressure .
5.Negotiation experience, ability to prioritize the instruction tasks and work autonomously preferred .



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